About Us
With 70 Long Years Of Manufacturing Excellence With Quality At Its Best!
HCS Technology is a company dedicated a lot of work and effort in Taiwan and Japan steel industry. HCS Technology provides high-quality and high-performance solutions to achieve your production line more efficiently.
北英鋼,HCS Technology,是一家在台灣和日本鋼鐵業投入大量心血的公司。 北英鋼提供高品質、高效能的解決方案,讓您的生產線更有效率。
Our Products
We are the industry heads and provide the most reliable and trendy solution you are looking for.
Position Sensor 位置感測器
NSD GROUP High-reliability Linear type and Single and Muti tune rotary type position sensor
NSD GROUP高信賴性的直線式跟單圈或多圈的旋轉式位置感測器
Encoder 編碼器
NSD GROUP One type encoder, 16 different pulses output which you can select
NSD GROUP一個編碼器,提供 16 種不同脈衝數供你選擇
Proximity Sensor 近接感測器
NSD GROUP magnetic type proximity sensor with IP67/IP69K, up to 20G vibration, and 500G shock resistance, and wild operating temperature range
NSD GROUP的近接感測器,防水防塵,抗20G震動及500G衝擊,並擁有寬廣使用溫度範圍之磁性近接感測器
The place where you’ll get the perfect solution for all your industry needs.
Our Contributions
Industries We Serve!
No matter the manufacturing environment as worse as hot-strip mill or coke oven, our solution can serve for years without replacement. High reliability and wild operating temperature are our design base line.
無論生產環境如熱軋或焦爐那樣惡劣,我們的解決方案都可以使用多年而無需更換。 高可靠性和廣泛的工作溫度是我們的設計基準。
Tire Industry
Complex and hazardous manufacturing condition may cause safety issue. Our solution can help to reduce the frequency of component replacement in calendaring and thickness measurement process, and achieve to lower the safety risk.
Our solutions are applied to different location of sluice gat. The reliable design can make user to detect and control gate position or rotate angle.